skanticontrol (0.99b250) noble; urgency=low * Made a script to get dependencies of an executable. * Made a Debian changelog in the new format. * Previous changelog v0.99 20250120 WSJT 2.7.0 compatibility fixes in uparse.pas: added (build >= 250) handling of the get_lock_mode and get_powerstat commands. Added a "Release priority" command in the set_mode command. v0.99 20231207 Some more "Release priority" commands added to speed up remote (build >= 235) commands execution. Revised the set_split_freq hamlib command. Added set_lock_mode and get_lock_mode used by newer WSJT-X. Reinserted [RX][TX][ENTER] and [TX][RX][ENTER] syntaxes handling which mysteriously vanished from program. v0.99 20221210 More parameter checking added in TCP server. TUNE timeout (build >= 228) increased to 15 seconds. Revised manuals adding a BEWARE OF section and making minor corrections. Modified the scripts used to generate the manual files to use as source the versions stored in the man/ folder instead of a local copy. v0.99 20220930 Added a warning message when a remote application connects to (build >= 226) the hamlib rigctld-compatible server with "Transceiver" and/or "Status reading" enabled. In the minimal file manager "Move to channel" and "Move to state" commands added. Many cleanups and updates in the hamlib server: revised the error codes returned, added a check for extended response protocol (not supported) and some other hamlib rigctld commands added. (build < 185) Added a minimum, approximative and mostly incomplete implementation of a hamlib rigctld-compatible TCP server. Tested to work with WSJTX, FLDIGI, GRIG, XDX and XLOG. Small mods to the main code to integrate the server. Cleanups to the code ($DEFINEs moved to a separate file included where appropriate). Corrected a long-lasting bug in the SendCommand routine which prevented to correctly repeat a command if a timeout expired without receiving anything (e.g. when SUPPLY ON/OFF button is pressed with the TRP8000 switched off). Corrected a small aesthetic inaccuracy: the ON/OFF button turned green even if the serial port was not successfully opened. Updated documentation. v0.98 20211231 (build >= 400) Completed the SCAN command syntax. Rewritten (not released) the Message() procedure to manually handling multiline strings. Got around the 7s timeout in the "Test alarm" and "Send alarm" commands. Rewritten show control character code to handle all used control characters. When a timeout expires and DLE is received, try to reconnect the CU. Modified the SET TIME state machine to follow more closely the CU8000 behaviour. Used an enum for keyboard state (keyboard states are becoming too many). Updated the RCL command to allow loading ITU channels, if any. Revised the LoadChannel procedure to allow exiting from chan/scan modes by loading a channel. Added a scan window to scan a frequency interval and show a graph of the results. Completed the RCL, RX and TX syntax. Revised and updated documentation. Some small aesthetic changes. v 0.98 20210313 (build < 400) All system rescaling turned off (I hope). Moved the main window width and height restore code, which was mistakenly put in the FormCreate procedure, leading to a race condition, to the FormShow procedure. Written the first draft of a full-blown manual as Linux man page. Text, PDF and html versions now are created from the man page. Written a small script to do that. Manual and GNU license now are loaded from file instead of being hardcoded in the Memo. The memo now is shown at screen center and the width is modified according to the selected font magnification ratio. Added the Font magnification % option. Used the free, better looking and embeddable DejavuSansMono font for manual and license memos. Updated the DigitalDreamFat font with the new version which do not has anymore legal embedding issues of which lintian may complain of. Used the version numbering available in Lazarus and modified the AboutBox and the main window caption to also show the build number. Added author's email in the AboutBox. Under Windows the SkantiControl folder now may be put in any location as long as the SkantiControl.exe executable is put into it. Added the i18n feature and done the italian translation. Added disabling of dimmer buttons at start of a manual test and reenabling when the test completes. Added timeouts in self test handling. Added a label in the aboutbox to show the translator name, if any. Some code cleanups and small mods here and there. v0.97 20210114 Rescale code checked and fixed for high-DPI monitors (I hope). Fixed the "Start always in LP mode" option which do not behaved correctly anymore after adding the "Read CU status" feature. v0.96a 20210207 Rewritten the font scaling code to use the Height property, which is independent of the screen DPI, instead of Size, which is instead DPI-dependent. v0.96 20210206 Feature added: make the 2182 and 500 buttons remappable to user-definable states. Use Arial font for captions in all versions. Added Arial.ttf and Arial_Bold.ttf to the fonts subdirectory. (Linux) Changed the font subdirectory to /usr/share/fonts/skanticontrol. v0.95 rev. 2 NOT RELEASED v0.95 20201007 (rev. 1) Corrected the inline help and the text size of the tune down button. v0.95 20201004 Changed all buttons to TJButtons from the jujibo package and unified ALL sources in one. Added code to deal with "Read CU Status" command present in the 92.0 CU firmware version. Added code to manage the programmable step feature. Removed inter-characters delay in SendComand and made it configurable (default zero). v0.92 20200628 Mostly cosmetic changes (position of some control). Small mods in the code to avoid warnings. v0.91 20200627 Corrected some little and not-so-little bugs. Tried to work around the TGroupBox flaws (under Windows setting an empty caption does not release the space for the caption, so tried to set a 1-size font). v0.90 20200623 Code to resize controls in main window ported from old Delphi program. RX and TX frequency display changed to eight/seven single-character TStaticText in a Groupbox to avoid recalculating (mostly wrong) the digit position at every main window resizing. Some minor changes. v0.86 20181228 TLabel & TStaticText OnMouseWheel used, now mouse wheel on frequency figures works also under Windows. S-Meter and P-Meter style changed. Conversion from 0-20 LED units to s-units added. Various cleanups. v0.85 20180907 Mostly cosmetic changes. Corrected package dependencies as Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. v0.83 20150628 Added option "Use UTC time". Minor tweaks here and there. v0.81 20140316 Further tests under Windows XP revealed other oddities in the keyboard handling. Fixed. Handling of 10-Hz step RX tuning was not correct. Fixed, v0.8 20140119 Some features added: Selection of immediate or deferred TX frequency update in transceiver mode. Mini file manager to manage states and channels. Minor cosmetic tweaks. Real-world tests done under Windows XP and some corrections applied. Real-world tests done under Ubuntu 13.10 and some corrections applied. Real-world tests done using a USB-to-Serial converter both for the Windows and Linux versions and some corrections applied. v0.7 20131225 Fixed a bug in the NAK-handling code and removed all fixed delays. Added deferred TX frequency update in transceiver mode. Added tuning on the RX and TX frequency display by mouse wheel. Added Channels menu. -- Giuseppe Perotti Sun, 2 Mar 2025 10:00:00 +0100